Fall & Winter Workshops 2016

Upcoming awesomeness!


Art FUNdamentals •10 wks WEDNESDAY EVENINGS  Oct 5, 2016 - Dec 7, 2016 Time: 5:00 PM -6:30 PM, Level: Ages 8-9 *Link to register

Art FUNdamentals at VAM is a fun and progressive course comprised of over 600 lessons making up a 7 year program. Children never repeat the same lesson twice! Working at their own pace, students are encouraged to slow down and watch their imaginations speed up while developing and practicing new skills. Students work in small peer groups and investigate drawing, painting, sculpting, printmaking and much more while connecting the dots through art history, the principles of art and design and art practices from around the globe.

Teen Portfolio Prep-Secondary School•11 wks WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Oct 5 2016 - Dec 14, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Level: Grade 11+ *Link to register

Specialized courses designed for students who plan to apply to a visual arts program at the secondary or post-secondary level. Along with the opportunity to develop new portfolio pieces, students will be coached on presentation, critique and interview skills. Each student will participate in a private mock-interview and portfolio critique. Currently in Grade 8 and applying for Fall 2017 entry to Secondary School Visual Arts Programs. Emphasis is on preparing portfolio-ready work that meets the requirements of regional arts program in Peel District, Dufferin Peel Catholic District and Toronto District School Boards. Materials included. Students should bring a sketchbook and expect some weekly homework.



Acrylic Confidence - The Bold Basics • WorkshopPart 1- 5 weeks, THURSDAY MORNINGS October 6 to November 3, 9 am to 12 pm *Link to registerPart 2 - 5 weeks, THURSDAY MORNINGS November 10 to December 8th, 9 am to 12 pm *Link to register

Discover the essential techniques you need to paint confidently with acrylics! Understand the technical properties of acrylic paints and mediums, fundamental design, colour and value, and how the right tools and tips all work together to help you achieve astonishing results. Key techniques will explore traditional and experimental approaches to painting with this forgiving, versatile medium, giving you a new understanding of the myriad ways you can use acrylics to create anything that catches your imagination. Benefit from demonstrations, advice and personal guidance for beautifully completed paintings that combine knowledge and skill with the joy of painting!



Creative CardsSaturday December 10th 2016 - 9am-4pm

Get ready for the holiday season! Express creativity, joy & gratitude while continuing to improve your painting skills and learning a variety of interesting techniques to expand your ability to create with mixed media. Using acrylics, drawing tools, and collage elements in combination with tips for stylish presentation, this festive card designing workshop welcomes all ages and all levels of experience, inspiring a wide variety of ideas for making your greetings this year extra special.

My favorite art materials!

A reference for artists taking Painting Wildlife: Acrylic Mixed Media and Drawing Wild Animals on Craftsy.com

Krylon Spray Cans All Look The Same ...

Let me start by saying this is a very embarrassing lesson, but all the more reason I must pass it on ...

This is the second drawing I have created from the same reference. I'd like to post later about drawing the same subject (as I will be drawing a third) and the comparison factor, but this is about the end of this one!After finishing this charcoal drawing (of which I was very proud!) I went to fix it with a finish.I use Krylon Spray - Crystal Clear for all drawings and mixed media work.Problem is ... I didn't grab the right can! I grabbed a SPRAY ADHESIVE. I only realized this when I went to scan it, and the surface of my drawing glued itself to the scanner glass surface. omg - HUGE sad face :(Now I wasn't rushed, drunk or high. Of course, I must admit distraction (my mind is preoccupied with its own insanity!).  I was obviously not thinking clearly or being attentive. Yes, I can read! ♥. But this was not just 'one of those stupid things' .... I think back and realize I only recently purchased Krylon's Spray Adhesive for the first time last Fall. Prior, I always purchased 3M Spray Adhesive which is a black can and looks very different, and what I am used to seeing.

I rely on my visual senses and comfortability in my studio space SO MUCH that I abandoned all my other senses! That comfortability then lead to abandoned reason, because I know to TEST first on a scrap piece of paper, especially before layering on a final work. ESPECIALLY a final work you LIKE!

Mixed Media includes adding a finish to a drawing. When you introduce a new product, you should TEST first. I even have experience to support the knowledge to test what you know, as once a can of the right product 'Krylon Crystal Clear' (which was OLD) turned a mixed media tree piece completely white - almost as if I used a can of fake snow to spray on it. With a lot of research, I discovered that when they say to SHAKE THE CAN you really should listen. Those couple of boring minutes shaking a can is good advice. To my demise, the contents of that old can had separated, and I may have avoided destroying a work of art had I been more ATTENTIVE (to instructions as well as how old that product was). I now write dates on all products and storage bins.  Now, how did I fix this big 'OOPS!'...

TeaCup Commission - Charcoal on Paper 9"x12"

TeaCup Commission - Charcoal on Paper 9"x12"

I thankfully only sprayed a 'dusting' ... even if you are using the right product, it is always better to build up in many light layers that one globulous coat. A heavy sprayed coating can saturate and damage the work. Light, dusting layers allows CONTROL over everything.

  • After realizing what had happened, I sprayed many layers of the Crystal Clear over the drawing. Each layer coated the spray glue, as well as the charcoal. *relief!* The drawing is just fine!

  • Immediately, I cleaned the scanner surface with diluted ammonia and water (you can use whatever you like to clean glass). I sprayed a dry cloth so the cleaning solution was not all over the equipment, and it removed easily.

  • Intentionally marked the cans DIFFERENTLY. The Spray Adhesive can now has a big black strip of black duct tape on it, as well I've put it in the 'adhesives' tupperware bin, which I had not bothered to do before.

This is a reminder for us all to TEST first. Test often, and test more than you think you need - especially when introducing new materials/mixed media. It may be annoying, but best to test and know it's all good than have to freak out and recover! Many manufacturers note a disclaimer on this! We can't ask these companies to have distinct and visual labels, nor assure us positive results considering their 'general purpose' (even for specific purposes, there are too many variables once out in the marketplace and in the hands of individuals). Personally, I know this well - yet I keep learning this lesson from time to time the hard way. So I will continue to pass it on. My only saving grace is that I do accept my mistakes and know it is my fault and responsibility if anything terrible goes down in this creative space.

Mixed Media 'Curse'

Next to the taunting torment of ‘the muse’ who looms with an array of ideas that must be sifted and sorted, it’s choosing a medium that haunts me the most. Sometimes being a mixed media artist is both a blessing and a curse - I am always torn by the multitude of medium possibilities!

  • A stack of mirrors sit in my studio awaiting experimentation with acrylic glazes.
  • Winter 2014 was all about Pan Pastels to prepare for Craftsy class #2. I'm still learning about and loving them.
  • On a recent plein air adventure, I revisited my love of oil paints and the delight of painting outdoors ... even in the middle of snow storm! 
  • A trip to the Art Store reveals a slew of new art supplies just released (and I dislike feeling I’m out of touch with the art material world!); I walk out broke, and although inspired with an array of new toys - all the fresh new materials sit around for some time collecting dust until I have time to play. I splurged on a rainbow of pastel pencils months ago, and I have yet to put them to use!

Ideally, one should have more material than one can possibly cope with. ~Frank AuerbachSurrounding myself with materials and surfaces is a huge source of inspiration (I love materials!) yet it can be conflicting living in the midst of it all, waiting until the right idea is a match for it. *sigh* No doubt, this madness is perhaps genius! I can’t say I intend to change my ways, or could, even if I wanted to! With a passion to experiment and honour any idea with the medium that may be its best voice of expression, I have accepted this conundrum - even if it means that my work may rarely have a visual continuity, especially since medium sometimes influences style. I also know that not everything I do will see the light of day anyway. Playing is liberating! Experimentation is educational! So in this time of being overwhelmed by 'all the possibilities', I calmly remind myself that 'all those possibilities' are waiting for me whenever the muse visits, and in the meantime I find clarity and peace in their midst.Take materials that represent you best and go for it! ~Schar Chappell

Win my Craftsy Class for FREE!

I'm running a Giveaway Promotion for a FREE Painting Wildlife • Acrylic Mixed Media class!http://www.craftsy.com/ext/SharlenaWood_GiveawayJust click this link and sign up for (or sign in to) Craftsy in order to enter to win.Share this opportunity with your friends! This promotion ends September 12th (just before my birthday weekend!!!) Colour me Fabulous! ♥Sharlena Wood

Dog Days of Summer Sale for ALL Craftsy Online Classes!

The biggest sale of the summer starts now!

ALL classes, including my 'Painting Wildlife: Acrylic Mixed Media' class, will be up to 50% off, until Monday August 11th 2014. This kind of offer only happens a few times a year, so don't miss out on this awesome opportunity. ☺

Dog Days of Summer Sale!

Dog Days of Summer Sale!